You are encouraged to work on the problem set in groups and turn in
one problem set for the entire group. Remember to put all your names on
the solution sheet. Also remember to put the name of the TA in whose discussion
section you would like the problem set returned to you.
Frame 0 | empty |
Frame 1 | Page 13 |
Frame 2 | Page 5 |
Frame 3 | Page 2 |
Frame 4 | empty |
Frame 5 | Page 0 |
Frame 6 | empty |
Frame 7 | Page Table |
References (to pages): 0, 13, 5, 2, 14, 14, 13, 6, 6, 13, 15, 14, 15, 13, 4, 3.
At the end of this sequence, what three entries are contained in the TLB? What are the contents of the 8 physical frames?
For a single load instruction the physical memory was accessed three times (excluding instruction fetch). The first access was at location x108 and the value read from that location (x108, x109, x10A, x10B) was x80000004. Hint: What does this value mean?
The second access was at location x45C and the third access was at location x942.
If SBR = x100, P0BR = x8250 and P1BR = x8350,
Virtual Memory Size : 4 Kbytes (12 bit address-space) Page Size : 32 bytes PTBR : 0x380 SBR : 0x1E0The virtual memory is divided into two spaces: system space and user space. System space is the first kilobyte of the virtual address space (i.e., most significant two bits of the virtual address are 00). The rest of the virtual memory is user space. The system page table remains resident in physical memory. Each PTE contains, in addition to the PFN, a Valid bit, a modified bit and 2 bits for access control. The format of the PTE is
Valid | Modified | Access Control | PFN |
(Valid bit is the most significant bit of the PTE and the PFN is stored in the least significant bits.)
Hint: 4352 = 2^12 + 2^8
* Associativity (1, 2, or 4 ways)Assumptions:All memory accesses are one byte accesses. All addresses are byte addresses.
* Block size (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 bytes)
* Total cache size (256B, or 512B)
* Replacement policy (LRU or FIFO)
The following problems are meant to help you study for the test. These
problems do NOT need to be turned in.
* Associativity (1, 2, 4, or 8 ways)Show the traces you used to determine each parameter of the cache. Assumptions:All memory accesses are one byte accesses. All addresses are byte addresses.
* Block size (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 bytes)
* Total cache size (256B, 512B, or 1024B)
* Replacement policy (LRU or Pseudo-LRU)
Assume a Virtual Memory model similar to VAX.
Remember that in VAX each Virtual Address consists of 2 bits to specify the Address Space 21 bits to specify Virtual Page Number 9 bits to specify the byte on the page
You will need to know the contents of P0BR: x8AC40000 and SBR: x000C8000.
You will also need to know the contents of the following physical memory locations:
x1EBA6EF0: x80000A72Some intermediate questions to help you:
x0022D958: x800F5D37
Assume that the virtual memory system added uses a one-level translation scheme and the page table is always resident in physical memory.
An instruction is said to generate a page fault if a page fault occurs at any time during the processing of that instruction.
200, 204, 208, 20C, 2F4, 2F0, 200, 204, 218, 21C, 24C, 2F4This pattern is repeated four times.
a. Show the contents of the cache at the end of each pass throughout this loop if a direct-mapped cache is used. Compute the hit rate for this example. Assume that the cache is initially empty.b. Repeat part (a) for a fully-associative cache that uses the LRU-replacement algorithm.
c. Repeat part (a) for a four-way set-associative cache that uses the LRU replacement algorithm.