A new graduate student writes:
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 9:31 PM
Subject: Dear prof. Yale Patt, I have a question about
your class in 05' fall semester.
Dear prof. Yale Patt
I am a new Grad. student at UT from *************. I was admitted in
the CE Track and I need to take a course such as computer architecture.
I can find the course information in the web site And I can also know
that you will instruct the computer architecture(EE 360N) in fall 05'
In the ECE web site, I searched the textbook for EE 360N and
then I could find 3 books were listed in the web site.
(1) Comp Architecture & Implementation (RECOMMENDED)
Author(s): Cragon, Harvey
Publisher: Cambridge University Press Edition: 2000
ISBN: 0521651689, 0521657059
(2) Computer Organization (RECOMMENDED)
Author(s): Hamacher, Vranesic, Zaky
Publisher: McGraw Hill Edition: 5th 2001 ISBN: 0072320869
(3) Structured Computer Organization (RECOMMENDED)
Author(s): Tannenbaum Publisher:
Prentice Hall Edition: 4th / 1998 ISBN: 0130959901
What would be the main textbook for your class of EE 360N among the
books in the fall 05' semester ? I am sorry to bother you.
Sincerely <<name withheld to protect the eager one who is also polite>>
Dear Eager and Polite one,
There is no main text book for 360N. If the manuscript for my book is done in
time (please don't count on it), we will use it, and I will hand out chapters.
If not, we will rely on what goes on in class, supplemented by any handouts that
I feel are useful from time to time. The three books listed are supplementary
reading material that cover most of the material in very different ways. It is
recommended that each student work in a study group of three or more students,
and that the entire group buy one copy of each of the three to share throughout
the semester. Some students buy all three. I believe that is very unnecessary.
Many students buy none, and do quite well from listening carefully in class.
Students planning to enroll in 360N this fall and wishing to prepare early
should discuss this with students who have taken the course previously. In fact,
it is always a good idea to discuss all characteristics of a course, including
the expected workload, before deciding to take 360N.
If you do decide to enroll, welcome to 360N. I hope you will learn a lot, and
that even though it might like a lot of work at times, you will have fun taking
I will look forward to seeing you on August 31.
Yale Patt