The following program computes the square (k*k) of a positive integer k, stored in location 0x4000 and stores the result in location 0x4002.
(The result is to be treated as a 16 bit unsigned number).
- A memory access takes 5 cycles
- The system call initiated by the HALT instruction takes 20 cycles to execute. This does not include the number of cycles it takes to execute the HALT instruction itself.
.ORIG X3000
AND R0, R0, #0
LDW R3, R3, #0
LDW R1, R3, #0
ADD R2, R1, #0
ADD R2, R2, #-1
STW R0, R3, #1
NUM .FILL x4000
- How many cycles does each instruction take to execute on the LC-3b microarchitecture described in Appendix C?
- How many cycles does the entire program take to execute? (answer in terms of k)
- What is the maximum value of k for which this program still works correctly?
- How will you modify this program to support negative values of k? Explain in less than 30 words.
- What is the new range of k?
In the LC-3b datapath, PCMUX has three inputs. For each of
those inputs, list all the instructions which make use of that input
and show the corresponding state in the LC-3b state diagram.
States 18, 33, and 35 of the LC-3b state machine are:
State 18: MAR <- PC, PC <- PC + 2
State 33: MDR <- M
State 35: IR <- MDR
Which of the following different organizations would still work
correctly, why or why not? (Assume that a memory access takes five
State 18: PC <- PC + 2
State 33: MAR <- PC, MDR <-M
State 35: IR <- MDR
State 18: MAR <- PC
State 33: PC <- PC + 2, MDR <-M
State 35: IR <- MDR
State 18: MAR <- PC
State 33: MDR <- M
State 35: IR <- MDR, PC <- PC + 2
1.In which state(s) in the LC-3b
state diagram should the LD.BEN signal be asserted? Is there a way for
the LC-3b to work correctly without the LD.BEN signal? Explain.
2.Suppose we want to get rid of the BEN register
altogether. Can this be done? If so, explain how. If not, why not? Is it
a good idea? Explain.
3.Suppose we took this further and got rid of state
0. The figure below shows a modified microsequencer. What is the 4-bit signal
denoted as A in the figure? What is the 1-bit signal denoted as B?
Little Computer Inc. has decided to modify the LC-3b ISA to include
the PUSH and POP instructions. The description of these operations are
as follows:
Assembler format for PUSH:
R6 = R6 - 2;
MEM[R6] = SR;
SR is pushed onto the stack.
Assembler format for POP:
DR = MEM[R6];
R6 = R6 + 2;
Top word is popped off the stack and loaded into DR. Condition codes
are set based on the value loaded into DR.
Your job:
A. Append the current state machine for supporting PUSH and POP
B. Will the current datapath support the above state machine? If
not, then draw the new datapath to implement the above state
machine. Show the new structures you added to support PUSH and POP
C. Are there any additional control signals needed for the new
states? If so, what are they? Give the values of these new control
signals in each new state you added and show them clearly in your
datapath figure for Part B.
D. How many cycles will each of the following set of instructions
take to execute?
1. PUSH R4
2. ADD R6, R6, # -2
R6, #0
3. POP R0
4. LDW R0, R6, #0
ADD R6, R6,
Design the "WE Logic" block of the
LC-3b datapath as shown on Figure C.3 in Appendix C. The inputs
to the block are MAR[0], R.W, and DATA.SIZE. The outputs of the block
are WE0 and WE1. Show the truth table for this logic block and give a
gate-level implementation.
The Address Control Logic in the LC-3b
datapath of Figure C.3 in Appendix C allows the LC-3b to support
memory-mapped I/O.
There are three inputs to this logic:
- 16-bit address in MAR. This signal can take the following values:
xFE00, xFE02, xFE04, xFE06, and OTHER (any other address between x0000
and xFDFF).
- 1-bit control signal R.W. The access is a read access if this
signal is R, write access if it is W.
- 1-bit control signal MIO.EN. If this signal is 1, a memory or I/O access
should be performed in this cycle.
The logic has five outputs:
- 1-bit MEM.EN signal. Memory is enabled if this signal is 1.
- 2-bit select signal for INMUX. This signal can take the following
- 1-bit LD.KBSR signal. KBSR will be load-enabled at the end of the
current cycle if this signal is 1.
- 1-bit LD.DDR signal. DDR will be load-enabled at the end of the
current cycle if this signal is 1.
- 1-bit LD.DSR signal. DSR will be load-enabled at the end of the
current cycle if this signal is 1.
Your task is to draw the truth table for this Address Control
Logic. Mark don't care values with X in your truth table. Use the
conventions described above to denote the values of inputs and
outputs. Please read Section C.6 in Appendix C on Memory-mapped I/O
before answering this question. Also, refer to Appendix A to find out
the addresses of device registers.
Problem 8 has been moved to Problem Set 3
A processor supports byte-addressable memory
with a 26-bit address space. The processor is connected to memory via
a 64-bit data bus. Design an eight-way interleaved memory that
supports the full address space of the processor. Use only 512Kbit
(2^19 * 1 bit) memory chips. Draw a diagram of your memory system,
with chip enables, write enables, data bus, and address bus. On your
diagram, label memory locations 0 through 31. How big is this memory?
Give a breakdown of each field in a memory address. (Do not worry
about the logic for unaligned accesses.)
Problem 9 has been moved to Problem Set 3
The figure below illustrates the logic and
memory to support 512 MB (byte addressable) of physical memory, supporting
unaligned accesses. The ISA contains LDByte, LDHalfWord, LDWord,
STByte , STHalfWord and STWord instructions, where a Word is 32 bits. Bit 28
serves as a chip enable (active high). If this bit is high the data of the
memory is loaded on the bus, otherwise the output of the memory chip floats(tri-stated).
Construct the truth table to implement the
LOGIC block, having inputs SIZE, R/W, 1st or 2nd access,
PHYS_ADDR[1:0] and the outputs shown in the above figure. Assume that
the value of SIZE can be Byte (00), HalfWord (01), and Word
(10). Clearly explain what function each output serves.
Why do we have states 18 and 19 in the state
diagram of the LC-3b instead of having just one of the two?
- Added 15th September
Show the logic required to implement the block labeled LOGIC that is specified by section C.5.1.