Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
EE 360N, Fall 2004
Submission Instructions for Lab Assignment 3
Due: October 31 2004, 11:59 pm
You must use the following naming convention for the files in Lab 3.
lc3bsim3.c - The C source code for your LC-3b simulator.
ucode3 - The microcode file for your simulator
dumpsim - The dumpsim file created as specified in the Lab 3 Assignment page.
int.asm, vector_table.asm, except_prot.asm, add.asm, and data.asm - The assembly language files for the interrupt service routine, the interrupt/exception vector table, the protection exception handler, the user program, and the data for .for locations xC000-xC013.
int.hex, vector_table.hex, except_prot.hex, add.hex and data.hex - The machine code for the interrupt service routine, the interrupt/exception vector table, the protection exception handler, the user program, and the data for locations xC000-xC013.
readme.txt or or readme.pdf or readme.tar - A printable file
showing the changes you have implemented in the datapath. This file can
be in the following formats - text, postscript, PDF or HTML with images.
If you prefer to submit a hardcopy of your documentation,
you can submit it in class on Monday November 1, 2004.
You may not submit more than 14 files for Lab 3.
Please confirm that your file compiles by running gcc -ansi lc3bsim3.c on any ECE linux machine ( before submitting your program.
Before the deadline, you may resubmit any of the files without penalty. Every time you resubmit a file, the
original file is overwritten.
Instructions for submission:
SSH into sunfire1 with the following command:
After typing your username and password, submit your files with the
submit-ee360n lc3bsim3.c ucode3 dumpsim
( This command is to submit the first 3 files. The remaining can be submitted by changing the names of the files. )
You may check the files submitted with the following command:
submit-ee360n -ls